Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Famous Blue Truck

Here's that stupid blue truck everyone's been following around -- parking illegally again in front of a red fire hydrant.

Curse you blue truck!


CNB said...

Archie, perhaps the cursed Blue Truck could run into a certain Little Red Truck. Literally, I mean. Keep up the fun stuff. I love your blog, sir.

Unknown said...

Everyone's been following it around?

That blue truck has been following me for days...

Archie, do you think if I blasted it with an air horn it would go away?

Archie T.S. Gait said...

Rebecca, you could try but that might just frighten it into attacking. I'd suggest avoiding eye contact, and backing away slowly. Good luck and be safe!

Unknown said...

I knew I could rely on you for sage advice.

Despite its fierce appearance, I guess the blue truck is really a timid, easily startled creature...