Ochlocracy or "mob rule" is government by a mob or a group of disorganized people. There's nothing more fun than being in a big group of people who are all dedicated to the same ideal and purpose, no matter how misguided it might be. There's strength in numbers and you can definitely get a lot more done when you go with the flow than when you try to swim upstream.
Besides, when the mob has gathered and when the mob has spoken, you don't want to rock the boat -- you might make waves! Your unpopular ideas might be noticed and then you're going to be in trouble.
Another plus -- you don't have to think for yourself. Gone are those terrible moments of self-doubt! As long as you listen to the mob (and how could you hear anything else when they're so loud?) then you'll be fine. Just fine.
Quotes from The Simpsons about mobs:
Kent Brockman: What started out as a traditional soccer riot has quickly escalated into a city-wide orgy of destruction. Reacting swiftly, Mayor Quimby declared "mob rule", meaning for the next several years, it's every family for themselves...
Principal Skinner: There's no justice like angry-mob justice.
Lisa: Dad, for the last time, please don't lower yourself to the level of the mob.
Homer: Lisa, maybe if I'm part of that mob, I can help steer it in wise directions. Now where's my giant foam cowboy hat and airhorn?
Other mob quotes:
“Those who try to lead the people can only do so by following the mob” -- Oscar Wilde
“There can be no such thing, in law or in morality, as actions forbidden to an individual, but permitted to a mob” -- Ayn Rand
“The mob is the mother of tyrants” -- Diogenes
Archie - I am so flattered if this was inspired by my little doo-dad
(The Wisdom of Crowds) on Rogers Park Review a while back (again, might be just jumping to conclusions again - haven't visited the 'hole today yet.)
Just in case it was though, here is a little gift from me to you, just to keep the love alive...
Army Of Lovers:
"We don't know ourselves where our genius' ends."
Just something to keep in mind when reading about the ascent and decline of Army of Lovers:
"Army Of Lovers were brilliant people, but like most geniuses in this world, they were not understood nor accepted by the majority of people. Army Of Lovers went the same destiny as e.g. Vincent van Gogh: excellent artists, but only appreciated after their death. It's a shame...Maybe in this millenium."
Actually, Rebecca, to be honest, I wrote this piece as one of the first entries into this blog, but decided to delay its publication until yesterday. I don't think I even knew about RPR until a couple days after I had written it, but was delighted to see your piece on The Wisdom of Crowds and a very similar picture of a crowd...and their wisdom.
Consciously, it was inspired by the crowd mentality that forced me to abandon my more direct blogging and retreat into this shell of love & respect.
Unconsciously, however, it was certainly some sort of precognitive homage to your article..... Really.
Well, great minds storge alike and all that...
By the way, did you know that the traffic flow of a crowd of people follows a fractal pattern?
Trippy, huh?
What would be truly trippy is if you could predict which one a particular crowd was going to follow.
Yeah, that really would be trippy Thomas...but thank goodness no person has figured that out yet - think of the potential for mischief!
I'm sure the pentagon is working on it though...
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