Kittens are pre-adolescent cats. And damn, they're cute. Who wouldn't love a kitten? They're small and fuzzy and they get into the craziest adventures. They're incredibly easy to entertain (and because of this, they are incredibly entertaining.) They like to play with yarn, string, rolled up pieces of paper, shoelaces -- you name it, they'll play with it.
While humans take care of kittens -- feeding them, playing with them, sheltering them -- it is well-documented that they, in turn, take care of us. Petting your cat helps lower your blood pressure and improve your mood. Why, just looking at pictures of kittens will put a smile on the sourest person's face.
There are many websites devoted to kittens (and cats) -- here are a couple:
- Kittenwar.com allows you to choose which of two kitten photographs is cuter
- Infinitecat.com is an amazing cat photography project
- Mycathatesyou.com is less cute, but still fun
And the quotes:
- Ralph: My cat's breath smells like cat food. (from the Simpsons)
- Kent Brockman: ...and the fluffy kitten played with that ball of string all through the night. On a lighter note, a Kwik-E-Mart clerk was brutally murdered last night. (from the Simpsons)
- “A kitten is chiefly remarkable for rushing about like mad at nothing whatever, and generally stopping before it gets there.” -- Agnes Repplier
- “No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens.” -- Abraham Lincoln
- “A kitten is so flexible that she is almost double; the hind parts are equivalent to another kitten with which the forepart plays. She does not discover that her tail belongs to her until you tread on it.” -- Henry David Thoreau
Thanks to Rebecca Rouilly for inspiring today's post.
No, thank you! I really needed this tonight...my "Project Runway" boyfriend did not win the final this evening, and I was feeling a bit blue...
But the picure of "Onion" on Kittenwar.com cured me! If any of you haven't looked at Kittenwar yet, don't bother...Onion is the cutest kitten.
Thanks once again for sharing the L-O-V-E, Mr. Gait...
Great article linked on "well documented" by the way...thanks for that too...
Sorry to hear about your "Project Runway" disappointment, but I'm glad you enjoyed the kitties. Going to have to remember to occasionally post something I actually truly love and not just something that amuses me because it's so ridiculous.
I'm not so sure about Onion, though. I think Coty wins the prize. Maybe we should have them battle it out....
Does that mean we are going to have to attach those little razor blade thingies to their tiny soft paws?
Just trying to get a sense of what you have in mind here Archie; after all, Onion is a friend of mine...
Rebecca asked, "Does that mean we are going to have to attach those little razor blade thingies to their tiny soft paws?"
Good God, Rebecca. I can see the headlines now: "Archie Gait Love's To Make Cat's Fight Each-Other"[sic]
Please, I can't handle that sort of scandal. I really just meant that the two cats should go up against each other on kittenwar.com, not that there should be any physical battle.
I'm relieved to hear this Archie...there are certainly enough brutal cat fights around these parts without involving innocent little Onion and Cody...
Thanks for the kitty site. It is truly hilarious. Love those "losingest" kittens. Hard not to have a soft spot for such uglies.
Yeah, Onion sort of falls between the super cute and super ugly...that's why Onion is so special...
and the way he stretches out his tiny hind paw toes...that is adorable...
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