There are two forms of non-sequitur that I am interested in. First, there is non-sequitur that is a logical fallacy. This form of non-sequitur occurs when a statement does not follow from a premise even if all the statements are true (or false). With non-sequitur, one cannot make the determination about the validity of the statements.
For example:
A) All cats are mammals.
B) My cat is cute.
C) Therefore, all mammals are cute.
A) Joe Moore is a jerk.
B) Someone broke my windows.
C) Therefore, I will blame Joe Moore. Where are the Cheetos?
This last example not only illustrates the logical fallacy, but also the other form of non-sequitur, which is absurdism. Absurdist non-sequiturs are statements (or actions) that have so little connection to the context within which they occur that they are absurd, often to the point of being humorous. Many comic strips, comedians, television shows and cartoons are largely based around the humor of the non-sequitur.
In thinking about non-sequitur, we must remember that the two forms are not mutually exclusive. Many logical non-sequiturs can be so ridiculous that they are absolutely hysterical. They leave the reader wondering, "How the hell did they come to that conclusion?" One can only shake one's head, smile a bemused little smile and move on.
No quotes today, but here's that famous joke:
Q: How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: Fish.
I'm thinking of some blend of the post hoc fallacy and the absurd non-sequitur...
Mike got out of his truck to clean a storm drain...
Therefore, a window down the street broke and fishes flew out of his pants...
This is why men shouldn't wear hats.
I fear what is written here is not the same color as my pants.
Okay, the attribution of that fish joke has been on my mind ever since you posted it..."which surrealist actually had enough sense of humor to write a lightbulb joke?...none of them...could it have been Duchamp?...he liked jokes, right? Or was it chess? Or both?"
These are the questions that keep me up nights, AG. Anyway, I decided to turn to the information miracle that is the internet for some relief...well, I never did find out who wrote the fish joke (probably no one...it belongs to folklore) but I did find a delightful selection of additional light bulb jokes:
How many professors does it takes to screw in a lightbulb?
--One,he just holds it and the whole world turns around it.
How many voyeurs does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
--One, but he'd rather watch someone else do it.
How many Floridians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
--They're still counting
How many Marxists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
--None, the seeds of revolution and change are within the lightbulb itself.
And my personal favorite...
How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
--That's not funny!
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