Monday, March 27, 2006

Power naps

A power nap (or catnap) is "a short nap, usually 15-30 minutes" in duration. Some people swear by these short naps, saying that they wake up feeling refreshed and energized. Others find themselves feeling groggy and disoriented upon waking up. Regardless, the ability to shut down for even a short period of time is beneficial to both mind and body.

Naps also have great nostalgic value. They bring to mind nap time from our youth. Back then, we had all the time in the world -- enough even to go to sleep in the middle of the day. As we've aged, time is tighter. There's never enough. It's a joy to be able to find some extra time to do absolutely nothing but clear our minds, and rest our bodies.

A nap industry has even arisen in recent years. Companies such as Metro Naps have created spaces and equipment to facilitate napping for busy professionals.

  • "Oh boy! Sleep! That's where I'm a Viking!" -- Ralphie Wiggum (from "The Simpsons")

  • "“No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap." -- Carrie P. Snow

  • "“I usually take a two hour nap from one to four"” -- Yogi Berra

  • "Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o'clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap."” -- Barbara Jordan


Blogger said...

I just sent the Metronaps link to the powers-that-be in my company. We sell wellness and preventive health care services to giant employers...

We have the in-house gym already, now on to the in-house naps!

Blogger said...

Do you know that lovely Belle and Sebastian song that goes "they teach chemistry, biology and maths - I want poetry and music and some naps..."

Archie T.S. Gait said...

I'm not familiar with Belle and Sebastian (I'm too old a fogey to be in touch with what the young kids are listening to today) but that pretty much sums up what I wanted when I was in school.

Good luck with getting a Metro Nap napping pod. They look really amazing. Let me know if you're successful. I'd love to give one a test drive!

Blogger said...

I'm working on it AG. One of the big-wigs at my office asked me "is this for real?" I sense my crusade for a pod at work is going to be an uphill battle...

But if we do get one, I'll hire you as a "consultant" for a day so you can come out and give it a whirl...

Fargo said...

I wish my office had a nap room. It would probably be too popular.